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Live Participants

Participants are those with an active account in OA Switchboard (sending, receiving and responding to 'messages'): Consortia and multi-site participants - Research institutions/librariesPublishers - Research funders


An overview of our launch customers and founding partners is here.

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Live consortia and multi-site participants

​Consortia and multi-site participants (jointly representing hundreds of sites/members):

  1. Bibsam Consortium

  2. Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA)

  3. California Digital Library

  4. Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN)

  5. Columbia University Libraries

  6. Consortium Luxembourg / BNL National Library of Luxembourg

  7. EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries)

  8. EMBL

  9. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

  10. German National Libraries (TIB, ZBW & ZB MED)

  11. Hamburg State and University Library

  12. Indiana University

  13. Jisc

  14. Max Planck Digital Library

  15. Norwegian Sikt Consortium

  16. The Royal Danish Library

  17. University of Chicago

  18. VSNU/UKB


All individual research institutions/libraries (participants with an active account) are listed here.


In addition, we have various (nation-wide) consortia trialing OA Switchboard, also representing hundreds of sites/members.

Individual research institutions/libraries

  1. Bibsam Consortium (consortium account with members):

  2. --- Blekinge Institute of Technology

  3. --- Dalarna University

  4. --- Halmstad University

  5. --- Jönköping University

  6. --- Karlstad University

  7. --- Karolinska Institutet University Library

  8. --- KTH Royal Institute of Technology

  9. --- Linköping University Library

  10. --- Linnaeus University

  11. --- Luleå University of Technology

  12. --- Lund University

  13. --- Malardalen University

  14. --- Malmö University

  15. --- Mid Sweden University

  16. --- Örebro University

  17. --- Södertörn University

  18. --- Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute

  19. --- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  20. --- Umeå University

  21. --- University of Gävle

  22. --- University of Gothenburg

  23. --- University of Skövde

  24. --- University of Stockholm

  25. --- University West

  26. --- Uppsala University

  27. Big Ten Academic Alliance (consortium account with members):

  28. ​--- Indiana University (multiple sites)

  29. --- Michigan State University

  30. --- Northwestern University

  31. --- Penn State University

  32. --- Purdue University

  33. --- Rutgers University

  34. --- The Ohio State University

  35. --- University of Chicago (multiple sites)

  36. --- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

  37. --- University of Iowa

  38. --- University of Maryland, College Park

  39. --- University of Michigan

  40. --- University of Minnesota

  41. --- University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  42. --- University of Wisconsin-Madison

  43. California Digital Library (multiple sites)

  44. Canadian Research Knowledge Network (consortium account with members):

  45. --- Algoma University

  46. --- Brock University

  47. --- Cape Breton University

  48. --- Concordia University

  49. --- École de technologie supérieure

  50. --- Laurentian University

  51. --- McMaster University

  52. --- Memorial University of Newfoundland

  53. --- NOSM University

  54. --- Ontario Tech University

  55. --- Polytechnique Montréal

  56. --- Université de Moncton

  57. --- Université de Montréal

  58. --- Université de Sherbrooke

  59. --- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

  60. --- Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

  61. --- University of Alberta

  62. --- University of Guelph

  63. --- University of Manitoba

  64. --- University of New Brunswick

  65. --- University of Northern British Columbia

  66. --- University of Ottawa

  67. --- University of Prince Edward Island

  68. --- University of Regina

  69. --- University of Saskatchewan

  70. --- University of Toronto

  71. --- University of Waterloo

  72. --- University of Winnipeg

  73. --- Vancouver Island University

  74. --- Western University

  75. Carnegie Mellon University

  76. CERN

  77. Columbia University Libraries (multiple sites)

  78. Consortium Luxembourg / BNL National Library of Luxembourg (consortium account with members):

  79. --- Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg

  80. --- Luxembourg Institute of Health

  81. --- Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology

  82. --- Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research

  83. --- Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European & Regulatory Procedural Law

  84. --- University of Luxembourg

  85. EIFL, Electronic Information for Libraries (multiple sites)

  86. German National Libraries - TIB (consortium account with members)

  87. German National Libraries - ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft (consortium account with members)

  88. German National Libraries - ZB MED (consortium account with members)

  89. --- Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

  90. --- Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

  91. --- Chemnitz University of Technology

  92. --- Clausthal University of Technology

  93. --- DLR German Aerospace Center

  94. --- EMBL (multiple sites)

  95. --- FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences

  96. --- Forschungszentrum Jülich

  97. --- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (multiple sites)

  98. --- Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

  99. --- German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases

  100. --- German Rheumatism Research Centre

  101. --- GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

  102. --- Goethe University Frankfurt

  103. --- HafenCity University Hamburg

  104. --- Hamburg State and University Library (multiple sites)

  105. --- Hamburg University of Technology

  106. --- Hannover Medical School

  107. --- Heidelberg University

  108. --- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf / University and State Library Düsseldorf

  109. --- Hochschule Geisenheim University

  110. --- HTW Berlin - University of Applied Science

  111. --- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

  112. --- Jade University of Applied Sciences

  113. --- Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz

  114. --- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

  115. --- Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering

  116. --- Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden

  117. --- Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors

  118. --- Leibniz University Hannover (LUH)

  119. --- Leipzig University

  120. --- Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science

  121. --- Rheinland-Pfälzische Technical University of Kaiserslautern

  122. --- Ruhr University Bochum

  123. --- RWTH Aachen University

  124. --- SLUB Dresden

  125. --- Technical University of Munich

  126. --- Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

  127. --- Technische Hochschule Wildau

  128. --- Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg

  129. --- Technische Universität Braunschweig

  130. --- Universität Greifswald

  131. --- Universität Rostock

  132. --- University of Bonn

  133. --- University of Duisburg-Essen

  134. --- University of Freiburg

  135. --- University of Göttingen

  136. --- University of Kassel

  137. --- University of Koblenz

  138. --- University of Konstanz

  139. --- University of Mannheim

  140. --- University of Potsdam

  141. --- University of Tübingen

  142. --- University of Wuppertal

  143. --- Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society

  144. Howard Hughes Medical Institute

  145. Institute of Science and Technology Austria

  146. Iowa State University Library

  147. Jisc (consortium account with members):

  148. --- Aston University

  149. --- Bangor University

  150. --- Brunel University London

  151. --- De Montfort University

  152. --- Edge Hill University

  153. --- Falmouth University

  154. --- Francis Crick Institute

  155. --- Glasgow Caledonian University

  156. --- Imperial College

  157. --- Lancaster University

  158. --- London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

  159. --- London South Bank University

  160. --- Manchester Metropolitan University

  161. --- Queen Margaret University

  162. --- Queen’s University Belfast

  163. --- Rothamsted Research

  164. --- Royal Veterinary College

  165. --- Science and Technology Facilities Council

  166. --- University College London

  167. --- University of Bath

  168. --- University of Birmingham

  169. --- University of Bristol

  170. --- University of Cambridge

  171. --- University of Exeter

  172. --- University of Kent

  173. --- University of Leicester

  174. --- University of London

  175. --- University of Manchester

  176. --- University of Nottingham

  177. --- University of Northumbria

  178. --- University of Oxford

  179. --- University of Plymouth

  180. --- University of Sheffield

  181. --- University of Strathclyde

  182. --- University of Stirling

  183. --- University of Winchester

  184. Max Planck Digital Library (multiple sites)

  185. Norwegian Sikt Consortium (consortium account with members)

  186. --- OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University

  187. Rowan University

  188. The Rockefeller University

  189. The Royal Danish Library (consortium account with members)

  190. The Weizmann Institute of Science

  191. University of New South Wales

  192. University of Rochester

  193. University of South Carolina

  194. VSNU/UKB (consortium account with members):

  195. --- Delft University of Technology

  196. --- Eindhoven University of Technology

  197. --- Leiden University

  198. --- Leiden University Medical Center

  199. --- Radboud University

  200. --- Tilburg University

  201. --- University of Amsterdam

  202. --- University of Groningen

  203. --- University of Twente

  204. --- University of Utrecht

  205. --- Wageningen University and Research


Live academic publishers

All live publishers are sending P1-messages, and an increasing number of them are including article-level financial information (on APCs), if applicable. More and more publishers go live also with E1-messages. See who's doing what in more detail here.

  1. AboutScience

  2. American Chemical Society (ACS)

  3. American Society for Microbiology

  4. American Physiological Society

  5. Beilstein-Institut

  6. Berghahn Books

  7. BMJ Group

  8. Brill

  9. Bristol University Press

  10. Cambridge University Press

  11. Canadian Science Publishing

  12. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

  13. Compuscript

  14. Copernicus Publications

  15. De Gruyter

  16. eLife

  17. GigaScience Press

  18. Hindawi

  19. IGI Global

  20. IOP Publishing

  21. IWA Publishing

  22. JMIR Publications

  23. John Benjamins Publishing Company

  24. Life Science Alliance

  25. Microbiology Society


  27. Oxford University Press

  28. Pensoft Publishers

  29. PLOS

  30. PNAS

  31. Portland Press (owned by the Biochemical Society)

  32. Rockefeller University Press

  33. Royal Society of Chemistry

  34. SciELO Brazil

  35. The Company of Biologists

  36. The Royal Society

    Preparing to go live:

  37. EMS Press

  38. Hogrefe Publishing Group

  39. PeerJ

  40. The White Horse Press

  41. Wiley

OA Switchboard currently supports two use cases:

  1. Reporting Made Easy - supported by message type P (Publication (Payment Settlement) Notification)

  2. Matching Publication Costs with Publication Funds - supported by message type E (Eligibility Enquiry)


For both these cases the messages initiate from the publisher.


These P and E-messages can distinguish between various scenario's:

  • No Prior Agreement (NPA)

  • Prior Agreement (PA)

    • with article-level charges​

    • without article-level financial charges​

  • Prior agreement information not relevant or available​

All live publishers (as listed above) are sending P1-messages. Publishers who include article-level financial information in their P1-messages, if applicable:

  1. eLife

  2. John Benjamins Publishing Company

  3. Life Science Alliance

  4. Microbiology Society

  5. PNAS

  6. Portland Press (owned by the Biochemical Society)

  7. Rockefeller University Press

  8. The Company of Biologists

  9. The Royal Society

More names to follow soon, including publishers with CCC RightsLink and eJP/BPS integrations.

Publishers who send NPA E1-messages, if applicable:

  1. AboutScience

  2. Life Science Alliance

  3. Microbiology Society

  4. Rockefeller University Press

  5. Royal Society of Chemistry (selected clients and titles)

  6. The Royal Society

More names to follow soon

Publishers who send PA E1-messages, if applicable:

  1. John Benjamins Publishing Company (selected clients)

  2. Royal Society of Chemistry (selected clients and titles)

​More names to follow soon


Live research funders

  1. Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

  2. FNR Luxembourg National Research Fund

  3. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

  4. UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

  5. Wellcome Trust

Live Participants and Total Number Messages

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