Stichting OA Switchboard
The OA Switchboard moved to the operational stage on 1 January 2021, and is now run from the new Stichting OA Switchboard, founded by OASPA in October 2020.
This structural governance and funding model supersedes the organisation and governance of the 2020 project, and the sponsorship model. The new set-up ensures a not-for-profit, collectively controlled collaboration between funders, institutions and publishers, whereby neutrality and independence are preserved by legal structure, governance and articles of incorporation.
The OA Switchboard will be financed via a self-sustaining business model and participation and involvement is open to all who meet the OA Switchboard’s purpose and criteria. The OA Switchboard aims to support all OA business models, policies and types of scholarly output and industry-wide representation and collaboration in developing open source solutions and services is ensured and formalised.
Our principles are here, and the articles of association can be obtained from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under company number 80620698. Read how our objectives are described, and how we aim to realise them, and what the legal entity 'stichting' is all about.
OASPA is supportive and actively involved through a strategic partnership with the Stichting OA Switchboard.

The Board
A 'stichting' is a not-for-profit foundation based in the Netherlands. The directors of the Board are responsible for the governance and the management of the foundation. The directors for the Stichting OA Switchboard are:
Michele Avissar-Whiting, HHMI (representing funders)
Liz Bal, Jisc (representing institutions)
Rachel Bruce, UKRI (representing funders)
Curtis Brundy, Iowa State University (representing institutions)
Ádám Dér, Max Planck Digital Library (representing institutions)
Hannah Hope, Wellcome Trust (representing funders)
Susan King (representing publishers)
Claire Redhead, OASPA (representing publishers)
Marten Stavenga (representing publishers)
The Board delegates the day-to-day management of the OA Switchboard to the appointed Executive Director, Yvonne Campfens.
Past Board members:
Ivy Anderson (representing institutions), 2020-2021-2022
Liam Earney (representing institutions), 2020-2021-2022-2023-2024
Paul Peters (representing publishers), 2020-2021
Ralf Schimmer (representing institutions), 2020-2021-2022-2023
Wim van der Stelt (representing publishers), 2020-2021-2022-2023
Stuart Taylor (representing publishers), 2021-2022-2023
In line with the principles, the following bodies have been created in 2021:
Advisory Group (2025 members here)
Read more about getting involved in the Advisory Group and the Working Groups here.
Our 'Generic Code' applies to each and every organisational body, meeting and initiative:
Observe and comply with existing competition/antitrust briefing and guidance.
Diversity – Equity – Inclusion.
No communication (e.g. on social media) of stakeholder names (e.g. meeting participants) or related meeting details unless explicitly agreed in writing. Nobody will make any public statements about the OA Switchboard or Stichting OA Switchboard, or use or make reference to OA Switchboard’s or Stichting OA Switchboard’s name or logo without the prior written consent of Stichting OA Switchboard.
No solicitation.
No external representation (unless explicitly agreed in writing).
In general, participation and involvement in all organisational bodies are open to all who meet the respective purpose and criteria. For some bodies, explicit appointment by the Board is required. In case of other/existing members object to a new person/party joining an organisational body, they can indicate this to the Executive Director, stating the Code or criterium that is failed. If the problem is incidental, the Executive Director can request the person/party to leave the meeting for certain agenda items/discussions. If the problem is structural, the Board will decide.
Client Advisory Board
A body with representatives of launch customers, founding partners and live participants (organisations who have a signed Service Agreement and have/get an account). They will meet once every two months and will discuss both strategic, as well as (shared) implementation topics.
Note: If a Client/Participant works with a sub-contractor (or 'delegate' or 'certified integrator') this party can't represent or join the Client/Participant in the CAB meetings.
2025 Advisory Group
The Advisory Group consists of individuals and representatives of stakeholder groups (primary and other) who will contribute by expertise to ensure community representation, involvement and input in product/service development. The members will be appointed for a year (with the option to extend for other year(s)), and the group will meet every two months on average.
Participation and involvement are open to all who meet our purpose and criteria. The members of the 2024 Advisory Group were invited to join also for 2025, and an invitation to others was posted on the ‘Get Involved’ section on the website and was promoted via the mailing list and social media.
Tony Alves, SVP, Product Management, HighWire Press
Ekaterina Antonova, Scientific Net
Kaveh Bazargan, Director, River Valley Technologies
Josh Brown, Co-founder, research and strategy, MoreBrains Cooperative Ltd
Janine Burr-Willans, Aptara
Jamie Carmichael, Senior Director, Information and Content Solutions, CCC
Todd A. Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO
Emma Chan, Wiley
Jennifer Fleet, Managing Director, Aries Systems Corporation
Amanda French, ROR Technical Community Manager, Crossref
Anna Gasking, Taylor & Francis Group
Sarah Greaves, Stem Publishing
Michael Hepp, KGL
Martin Jagerhorn, Head of Business Development, ChronosHub
Anna Jester, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, eJournalPress, Wiley Partner Solutions
Alex Kohls, Head Scientific Information Service, CERN
Leah Kristensen, Customer Success Manager, Manuscript Manager
Dev Kumar, Intelligence Beyond Inc
Dugald McGlashan, INLEXIO
Bill O'Brien, Senior Director Business Development, Aptara
Howard Ratner, Executive Director, CHORUS
Andrew Robinson, CCC
Rosario Rogel-Salazar, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico
Nels Rune Jensen, ConsortiaManager
Louise, Russell, Director, Tutton Russell Consulting Ltd
Monika Schneider, HARRASSOWITZ
Chris Shillum, Orcid
Heather Staines, Delta Think
Peter Tuohy, IEEE
Monica Westin, Associate Director, Content & Discovery, Manchester Metropolitan University
Shanthi Krishnamurthy, TNQ
Working Groups
For specific topics or initiatives, Task and Working Groups will be operated. These may have a purpose and lifetime that is time-specific, or may be continuously operational (until further notice). The general purpose is to gather ideas, prepare for further continuous improvement cycles of the OA Switchboard and to ensure we tie-in to existing initiatives and groups.
From our Deed of incorporation
(and Articles of association)
Our objectives are described as:
Streamlining the communication between funders, institutions and publishers regarding multi-lateral Open Access publication-level arrangements; and striving for the research ecosystem to work better for researchers, funders, institutions and publishers, and their business partners, such that Open Access is supported as the predominant model of publication, as well as to do all such things as are incidental or may be conducive to the above, all in the broadest sense.
It is also described how we aim to realise our objectives:
The foundation shall aim at realising its objects by providing to funders, institutions and publishers:
a central information exchange hub, connecting parties and systems, streamlining and standardising the communication and neutral exchange of Open Access related publication-level information, and ensuring a financial settlement can be done;
services that smoothen out processes and bring down cost; and
means to integrate with own systems and author/researcher facing tools and services, and their third party system/solution/service providers.
Furthermore community representation, involvement and input in product/service development is ensured and formalised via: an Advisory Group, which holds regular meetings as part of the framework of the organisation, Task/Working Groups, information on the website regarding the development roadmap, regular reporting (via newsletters or blogs or otherwise), and relevant ‘Codes’.
About the legal entity: 'stichting'
The OA Switchboard moved to the operational stage on 1 January 2021, and is now run from the new Stichting OA Switchboard, founded by OASPA in October 2020.
The Dutch 'stichting', also referred to as 'foundation', is an already widely used type of legal entity... to separate economic interest and control...
A stichting is an orphan entity that only needs to have a board of directors, which has full control of the entity. It does not have, and is therefore not controlled by, any member or shareholder....
A foundation is an organisation that does not aim to make a profit... Its primarily purpose is to support a social or non-profit cause. It may also be a business, but its profits must be allocated to the foundation's cause or purpose...
The purpose of a foundation may be different from serving as a charity.
For example, professional football clubs, broadcasting companies, hospitals, museums, laboratories and healthcare institutions can also be a stichting.
A stichting's statutes (the articles of association), should include:
Name, including the word 'stichting'
Procedures for appointing and removing officers
Decision-making procedures
Procedures and payments in the event of dissolution
From the deed of incorporation of Stichting OA Switchboard, article 16:
“In case of liquidation, the assets can only be distributed to another not for profit entity without owners, who have a similar dissolution and liquidation clause."