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Applications & Case Studies
Data Analysis
Trusted data for analysis by all parties, for many different purposes
1. Connecting with your research (static report for research funders, institutions and consortia)
2. Shed light on where your researcher activity intersects with library investments in equitable OA publishing (e.g. S2O and Diamond OA initiatives)
3. Connecting with your publications and author base (static report for publishers)
4. Get insight in articles where there is at least one author from your institution, but not as the corresponding author
5. Get insight in articles that should have gone through a deal, but haven't
6. Trend analysis on where and how your authors publish, and how much is being paid for OA (understand how to support OA on institutional level)
7. Use the JSON data in off-the-shelf analytics and visualisation tools (PowerBI, Tableau, QuickSight, etc)
8. Use the JSON data in industry-specific analytics, visualisation and reporting tools (CCC OA Agreement Intelligence, CHORUS, ConsortiaManager, EBSCO Panorama, Jisc Monitor, etc)
Workflow & Decision Support - institutions
1. Get publication alerts (directly into your desk top system) to use in your OA workflows, such as assess and manage eligibility for OA funds and agreements
2. Register research output, add and update records in your Institutional Repository and CRIS systems
3. Track publications of your researchers in non-APC based journals, for your (‘diamond’) funds to subsidise and support
4. Get alerted, and increase visibility, to articles in Subscribe to Open journals
5. Facilitate funding for articles across the long tail of smaller publishers, and publishers you don't have an agreement with
6. As consortium, oversee agreements with publishers, monitor uptake and compliance, and allocate cost over members
7. Support our researchers in being funder compliant
8. As research funder or institution, integrate with industry-specific workflow and decision-support solutions (ChronosHub, Jisc Monitor, Oable, etc)
Workflow & Decision Support - publishers
1. Drive visibility on your publications, including 'diamond' and S2O, with all relevant institutional, consortia and funder stakeholders
2. As a pure OA publisher, grow relationships with libraries, consortia and funders
3. Support authors in their publication journey and help them find options to pay for the OA publication charges
4. Monitor and report on open access articles from institutions who have a Read & Publish agreement with you
Workflow & Decision Support
- Summary -
For you as publisher:
Creating the infrastructure for a smooth and compliant author experience, e.g.
Querying funders and institutions before the author even has a chance to choose a license type
Support authors in their publication journey and help them find options to pay for the OA publication charges
Secure OA funds to cover publication costs.
Enhancements in your metadata, allowing analysis on your own publications and author base for the benefit of OA strategy and business model development.
Integration with the increasingly complex OA research and publishing ecosystem, enabling the exchange of metadata with all relevant stakeholders.
Improve the service level you offer institutional customers and research funders:
Allows your customers to access article-level metrics of all (OA) articles published, when, where and how they need it
Automated sharing (alerts) of OA publication metadata
Standardised OA publication reporting
Monitor and report on deal compliance
Growing relationships with libraries, consortia and funders, sharing knowledge and streamlining communications
Drive visibility on your ('diamond' and S2O) publications with institutional and funder stakeholders.
Get inspired by participating publishers' Cases, Testimonials and Interviews.
For you as research institution:
Support your researchers in being funder compliant, while managing multiple OA funds (including block grants).
Integration with the increasingly complex OA research and publishing ecosystem, enabling the exchange of metadata with all relevant stakeholders.
Getting publication alerts directly into your enquiry management system.
Use the publication metadata (pushed via alerts) to create new and complete existing records in your Institutional Repository and CRIS systems.
Easier communication to manage your new OA policy.
Automate pre-acceptance eligibility enquiries with auto-reject rules based on own and national funder policies.
Facilitate funding for articles across the long tail of smaller publishers and publishers you don't have an agreement with.
Track publications of your researchers in non-APC based journals, for your (‘diamond’) funds to subsidise and support.
Get alerted and visibility to articles in Subscribe to Open journals.
Enable communications back to faculty and help negotiate future OA deals through notifications for OA articles that hadn’t come through the library funds or were part of non-APC conditional models.
Shed light on where your researcher activity intersects with library investments in equitable OA publishing (e.g. Subscribe to Open and Diamond OA initiatives).
Standardise the approach to tracking publications and spend.
Enable analysis, and help to understand how to support OA on an institutional level, due to enhanced OA publication metadata and structure (consistent data format from multiple publishers).
Make OA publishing highly visible.
Get inspired by participating institutions' Cases, Testimonials and Interviews.
Additionally, for consortia:
Support portfolio management, negotiations, oversee agreements (fulfillment, monitor uptake and compliance) and OA life cycle management.
Transparency, and driving a sustainable and equitable transition to OA.
Allocate cost over your members.
For you as research funder:
Integration with the increasingly complex OA research and publishing ecosystem, enabling the exchange of metadata with all relevant stakeholders.
Assess extent and impact of research funding, manage policy compliance and development., and monitor publishing activity on a regular basis, due to enhanced metadata.
Get inspired by participating funders' Cases, Testimonials and Interviews.
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